Thursday, February 12, 2009

Quick update. Last weekend was tons of fun. My friends and I went to the disco every night which was exhausting but super fun. Thursday Friday and Saturday, we basically went out around 10 stayed out until 5:00 (which apparently is kind of early). Woke up the next morning, walked around the city during the day, and then started all over again. I had a ton of fun but I have to say I don't know how the Spaniards do it, I'm absolutely exhausted. 
I feel like I have a much better idea of the city than I did last week. I have classes in different parts of the city, and also we just go for paseos every day after siesta. People do that here. Just go out for paseos. No destination necessary. It's a totally different mentality. 
We've been exploring bars and discos around different parts of the city and found this really cool area near the facultad de ciencias where there is a really young college crowd which is fun. Last night, we went to see the Spanish seleccion play against England in an international friendly exhibition match that actually took place in Sevilla. The bar was packed to the brim and people were going crazy. I love being able to witness so much passion for soccer, it's great. 
My friend from home, Caroline, was supposed to come today from London but she missed her flight. I was pretty bummed, but I'm meeting her in Madrid for the weekend along with my friends from IES Kate, Johanna, Mary, and Lydia. It should be a lot of fun. I hope to do a whirlwind tour of El Prado, La Reina Sophia, and El Thyssen. Hope. 
Hope all is going great! I'd love emails/comments/to hear from you as well!

1 comment:

  1. cannot believe that you are not asking for madrid tips. humph, see if i'll give them to you now after you belatedly ask.
